Os melhores restaurantes perto de si
9000-059 Funchal
9000-059 Funchal
Stephen Wright
5 de janeiro de 2025Difficult to recommend really. I received an email confirmation from booktable.pt for dinner at Armazém do Sal. On arriving however the restaurant said that they had no knowledge of the reservation and that booktable.pt was completely unreliable. So two things: why does the Armazém do Sal continue to have a commercial relationship with an agent that they say does not perform? And why does booktable.pt not deliver the service - a booked table - that they promise?We ate elsewhere not using either company.
Family Gaek
2 de janeiro de 2025Terrible! Can’t recommend
Ott Kaukver
31 de dezembro de 2024This was a terrible experience. We showed up at our booking time and the restaurant did not have any record of it and they could not accommodate us. They said it is not a first time with the bookingtables.pt platform and they have had these kinds of blunders before too. Totally disappointed.
Kristoffer Marker Nielsen
29 de dezembro de 2024A really disapointing experience. The restaurant had lost my reservation. Dont know how that is possible when reservation was electronically. Was able to be seated outside so was sitting in draught from the wind. Several people was sitting with jackets on due to the low temperature. I seemed like they had opened for more reservations than they are used to handle so we didnt receive a single dish warm from the kitchen. All in all a very disapointing experience that ruined christmas dinner. It was noth worth the money at all.
Avaliações reais
Apenas os utilizadores que reservaram e compareceram à refeição podem avaliar o serviço.
3.8 /5
70 avaliações registadas
Almoço | Jantar | |
Segunda-feira | 12:00 - 15:00 | 18:30 - 22:00 |
Terça-feira | 12:00 - 15:00 | 18:30 - 23:00 |
Quarta-feira | 12:00 - 15:00 | 18:30 - 23:00 |
Quinta-feira | 12:00 - 15:00 | 18:30 - 23:00 |
Sexta-feira | 12:00 - 15:00 | 18:30 - 23:00 |
Sábado | ------------- | 18:30 - 23:00 |
Domingo | ------------- | ------------- |
Restaurante encontra-se fechado. |
Seleção de Pão fresco
Surpresa do chefe
Entradas Frias
Foie Gras
Terrina de Pêra macerada em Vinho Madeira 10 anos. Pão doce crocante. Chutney de banana e whisky. Maracujá
Tártaro de novilho
Abacate. Alho negro. Gema a baixa temperatura. Salada césar
Ceviche de pargo
Lima. Frutas tropicais. Leite Tigre. Coentros. Malagueta
Jardim de truta da ilha
Sashimi. Tamaki. Gravlax. Emulsão de algas. Ovas. Nastúrcio. Tomate gelado
Terrina de batata confitada. Shimeji caramelizados. Champanhe. Espargos
Pargo da costa
Riso venere. Bisque. Emulsão de crustáceos. Textura de lulas. Ovas de arenque
Peixe-espada preto
Risoto de lima. Textura de banana. Legumes da horta. Maracujá
Fragola. Tomate fumado. Legumes da estação. Estragão
Polvo em sous vide
Xerém frito. Compota de cebola roxa. Ervilhas
Peixe fresco do mercado
Seleção criativa diária a partir do melhor que nos dá o nosso mar
Filete Mignon
Textura de batata violeta. Foie gras. Espargos. Trufa
Batata Rosti. Praliné de couve-flor. Cenoura e menta
Bochecha de porco preto
Risoto de cogumelos. Presunto desidratado. Cenouras caramelizadas. Wasabi
Peito de pato tostado
Batata doce. Maçã e menta. Gengibre. Beterrabas baby. Bergamota
Bife Angus
Puré rústico. Trufa. Legumes sazonais. Jus de pimenta e tutano
Húmus. Curgete bebé. Chutney de tomate. Mel e lima.
Crème brûleé de laranja
Gelado de caramelo salgado. Gel de mirtilos. Petazetas. Bolo esponja.
Cheesecake de pistachio
Chocolate praliné. Sorvete de frutos do bosque. Cardamomo.
Frutas frescas tropicais. Panacota de framboesa . Piña colada
Macarrone de maracujá
Chocolate. Framboesas frescas. Gelado de fava tonka
Abade priscos
Sorvete de maracujá. Requeijão. Bacon desidratado
Vulcão de chocolate sem glúten
Baunilha de madagascar pistachio
Seleção de gelados e sorvetes sazonais caseiros
Queijos portugueses DOP compota caseira tostas
Avaliações reais
Apenas os utilizadores que reservaram e compareceram à refeição podem avaliar o serviço.
3.8 /5
70 avaliações registadas
Stephen Wright
5 de janeiro de 2025Difficult to recommend really. I received an email confirmation from booktable.pt for dinner at Armazém do Sal. On arriving however the restaurant said that they had no knowledge of the reservation and that booktable.pt was completely unreliable. So two things: why does the Armazém do Sal continue to have a commercial relationship with an agent that they say does not perform? And why does booktable.pt not deliver the service - a booked table - that they promise?We ate elsewhere not using either company.
Family Gaek
2 de janeiro de 2025Terrible! Can’t recommend
Ott Kaukver
31 de dezembro de 2024This was a terrible experience. We showed up at our booking time and the restaurant did not have any record of it and they could not accommodate us. They said it is not a first time with the bookingtables.pt platform and they have had these kinds of blunders before too. Totally disappointed.
Kristoffer Marker Nielsen
29 de dezembro de 2024A really disapointing experience. The restaurant had lost my reservation. Dont know how that is possible when reservation was electronically. Was able to be seated outside so was sitting in draught from the wind. Several people was sitting with jackets on due to the low temperature. I seemed like they had opened for more reservations than they are used to handle so we didnt receive a single dish warm from the kitchen. All in all a very disapointing experience that ruined christmas dinner. It was noth worth the money at all.
Kirsi Niemi
25 de dezembro de 2024Food was excellent. Unfortunately service was quite poor. We waited all the items of the menu very long time we were 4 5hours in the restaurant. Waiters were leaving home before we got our dessert. We asked several times to pay and leave but nothing happened. Food was great but overall experience wasnt good.
Nicolas Pereira
25 de dezembro de 2024Introduza o seu comentário
Leticia Pontes
23 de novembro de 2024Desde o atendimento a atenção a disponibilidade a simpatia serviço a mistura de sabores autênticos os pratos meticulosamente confeccionados tudo perfeito ao mais pequeno detalhe o valor vai de encontro a todo este conjunto de perfeição. Uma experiência com toda a certeza pra repetir.
Tore Paulsen
22 de outubro de 2024nice place negativ some of the servers did not speaker english at all
Guillaume Martinroche
15 de outubro de 2024Excellent food with a very caring staff.
David Guijarro Martinez
11 de setembro de 2024Introduza o seu comentário
David Guijarro Martinez
11 de setembro de 2024Introduza o seu comentário
Luis Felipe Galant
17 de julho de 2024Introduza o seu comentário
Caroline Salmon
9 de julho de 2024Introduza o seu comentário
Carlos Caeiro
30 de maio de 2024Introduza o seu comentário
Delannoy Geneviève
24 de maio de 2024Introduza o seu comentário
Keith Bensusan
12 de maio de 2024Introduza o seu comentário
Robert Higton
17 de março de 2024Introduza o seu comentário
Janine Gladstone-thompson
14 de março de 2024Introduza o seu comentário
Christopher Ranger
6 de março de 2024Introduza o seu comentário
Christian Daldossi
5 de março de 2024qualitativ noch luft nach oben
Ver mais Ver maisNuma primeira fase este serviço encontra-se apenas disponível para a Ilha da Madeira
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